The Results
Cattle Registration and Monitoring: The SNIG allows for an up-to-date and georeferenced record of all livestock establishments and existing cattle in the country. This facilitates the tracking and control of animal movements, contributing to disease prevention and enabling a rapid response to health emergencies.
Transparency and Trust: The system provides detailed information about the origin and history of livestock, ensuring traceability from the field to the slaughterhouse. This is especially important for accessing international markets, where high standards of quality and food safety are required.
Support for Decision-Making: The system provides statistical data and analysis of the livestock sector’s situation, facilitating decision-making by sector policy and planning authorities.
Integration with Other Systems: The system integrates and provides information to other information systems, such as the animal health system and INAC, among others.
The MGAP was recognized for its National Livestock Information System (SNIG) at the ESRI Latin American Users Conference.
Uruguay received the INNOVATIC Award for the project: “Strengthening Security in the Movement of Livestock.”
The MGAP received the WSIS Award, organized by the United Nations, for its National Livestock Information System (SNIG).