MGAP: Digital Livestock Ownership and Transit Guides
GeneXus Consulting collaborated with the Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture, and Fisheries (MGAP) of Uruguay in the development of Digital Livestock Ownership and Transit Guides.
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Legacy systems were the drivers of organizational growth, but it is important to understand when they are reaching their maturity point. As new technological advancements and strategies emerge that accompany the growth of organizations, a leap in technological evolution should be evaluated. By providing this service, we assist organizations in updating and optimizing their digital solutions. We seek to generate operational efficiency, address technological limitations, meet customer expectations and assist in implementing new technologies.
With our experience, we can handle the technological evolution of applications. This includes incorporating modern architecture and integrating cutting-edge technologies and techniques into the software development cycle.
Our methodology and tools aim to generate a predictable, controlled and efficient evolution process. This includes training and technology transfer to our clients' technology teams during the process.
Explore some of our projects and the impact they have had on organizations and society.
Learn about the latest trends, innovations and experiences that are shaping the course of leading digital organizations.